An Announcement Regarding Our Plumbing Systems
We understand there have been recent concerns regarding our plumbing systems and would like to offer clarity and insight on the matter at hand.
First and foremost, we want to assure you that Artesian Spas stands by our commitment to uphold high quality standards in our products. Even as demand for spas continues to increase, no shortcuts are being made to speed up production or cut costs. It’s simply not worth it to us to jeopardize the quality of our products in order to expedite production or save money. Artesian Spas continues to work diligently to fulfill orders while upholding high integrity to our promise in delivering you world-class, top quality spas.
In October 2019, Artesian Spas made the decision to upgrade to the Shur-Grip Plumbing system as part of an advancement to the design process and quality improvement of our spas. The Shur-Grip plumbing system was specifically developed for the OEM Spa Manufacturing Industry as a glued joint product without the need for clips/hose clamps. Shur-Grip components improve the glue joint characteristics yet maintain the quality of the reinforced flex hose. Working with the manufacturer, Artesian Spas created our own proprietary tolerances within the recommended hose design standards. When glued onto the various fittings and jets, it creates a secure high performance joint seal.
Residential spa applications operate at very low system pressures. With a high-quality plumbing system like Shur-Grip, hose clamps are not needed as the glued joint is more than sufficient enough on its own.
Shur-Grip works exceptionally well because of the rigid PVC helix inside of the hose. This PVC helix prevents the hose from kinking during bends, bursting under pressure/suction, and also allows it to lock onto a smooth hose barb. Using a clamp on top of the glued hose is not necessary.
With that said, Artesian Spas does continue to use clamps on other plumbing areas (such as FROG EASE plumbing) where the hose type is different than the reinforced PVC helix hose and still requires both glue and clamp joints.
Additionally, Shur-Grip plumbing systems are 10% more expensive than standard clear tubing because of the amount of engineering and intricate tooling required to produce it. Any claims that Shur-Grip is a cost-savings measure is incorrect.
At Artesian Spas, our products are constantly evolving to keep up with the advancements within the spa and pool industries. What remains consistent is our commitment to continue creating the best products on the market while taking advantage of the latest technology and equipment available.
We appreciate your concern as you rightfully deserve to receive the high-quality spas we promise to deliver. Thank you for allowing us an opportunity to shed light on this matter and be transparent in our decision-making processes.
Artesian Spas